Minor Modification Permit

The Swampscott Conservation Commission has adopted a policy that allows for the minor modification of an Order of Conditions (permit) if it finds that the proposed project change will not result in any additional impacts on the resource area(s) and/or interests protected under the Wetlands Protection Act, and that the conditions in the existing Order of Conditions are sufficient to protect those resources and interest. 

In determining whether a modification to an Order of Conditions may be treated as a minor modification, the Commission will consider whether:

  • The scope of the project has substantially increased or changed;
  • The change(s) are small and inconsequential to the shape, size, and location of the approved structure’s footprint(s), and to the area to be disturbed by any change(s) to the site, or the required site work;
  • The work described in the requested modification is of lesser impact to the resource area than the current approved project;
  • Project as modified meets the relevant performance standards of Wetlands Protection Act; and the
  • The potential for adverse impacts to the protected statutory interests will not be increased.

If the determination is made by the Commission that the change(s) requested exceeds what it finds appropriate for a minor amendment, then applying for a formal amendment or new Notice of Intent will be required.

No public hearing or legal advertisement is required for a minor permit modification to an existing Order of Conditions but the applicant must submit a written request fully explaining the proposed change together with the revised plan(s) and appear before the Commission at a regularly scheduled public hearing.

To be eligible for a minor permit modification, the applicant must submit the following materials at least 10 days prior to the public hearing:

  • The original and two copies and one digital pdf of a cover letter addressed to the Commission requesting a minor permit modification to the existing Order of Conditions that references the MassDEP File # and fully explains the proposed change(s) to the original project plan; and
  • Two copies and one digital pdf of the revised plan(s) that clearly indicated the proposed changes.

In addition, a complete set of the above documents must also be mailed to the MassDEP office.

To obtain additional information, please check the Commission’s website at swampscottma.gov/conservation-commission or contact Marissa Meaney at 781-596-8829 x1271.